
Reach Any Memory Improvement Goal With These Atomic Habits From James Clear

James Clear author of Atomic Habits portraitDo you struggle to reach your memory improvement goals? If so, you probably need “atomic habits.”

To help you have the best possible habits, in this episode of Magnetic Memory Method Podcast, you will hear from habit expert James Clear.

Here’s one of my favorite quotes:

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

– James Clear


Who Is James Clear And What Are Atomic Habits?


James Clear is an author, entrepreneur, travel photographer and founder of The Habits Academy.

In this episode, James shares interesting topics and science-based ideas for living a better life, creating small habits and improving them.

James gives us a picture of how one can master and start a good habit. He also demonstrates just how much impact good habit formation is to achieving your goals.

If you are a person who fizzles through your to-do lists or suffers Digital Amnesia to the point that you can’t remember what you wanted to do at all, this episode with James Clear will definitely help and encourage you. James makes the habit formation process easy from the get-go and easy to maintain.

Learn more and discover how you can put these habits into action with consistency and improvement.

Press play now and you’ll discover:

  • How James started with Atomic Habits
  • What “Atomic Habits” means and how it can change your perspective of putting habits into action.
  • How you can create the best environment to make success easier
  • The importance of consistency and being organized.
  • The meaning of “system building” as a way to approach life improvement.
  • The wisdom of putting ideas into action.
  • How to handle criticisms in life.
  • How one can establish a habit and improve it over time.
  • Practical strategies for building habits.
  • The importance of mastering a habit and how you can dramatically save time in the process.
  • How building habits can impact decision making and your ability to continuously improve.

James Clear Resources

James Clear’s website

James Clear’s Habits Academy

Atomic Habits by James Clear on Amazon

James Clear on Entrepreneur’s website

My Favorite James Clear Post Of All Time:

The Difference Between Professionals and Amateurs

Related Episodes:

How to Improve Concentration

Joanna Jast On How To Hack Your Habits

Mind Map Mastery

2 Responses

  1. Hi Anthony Metivier!

    I showing up in your videos or podcasts but not complete my Math Memory Palace.
    I put away my Math Memory Palace because I decide to take a test first and is due on November 11, 2018. If I miss your video or podcast is because of that.

    Lately, my neighbor is putting the music very loud and I put my headphones to focus. I do not want to confront her.

    I requested to my family to respect my time (mornings or afternoon) to study. They like to see T.V. and talk this time,

    1. Thanks for this, Maricela. Sorry to hear about your neighbors. When I’ve had this situation, I’ve used earplugs – I even have custom-made earplugs from when I played in a band to help. They are very snug.

      Would that be an option for you?

      Thanks as ever for your comments and hope to see you on a live stream again soon! 🙂

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

The #1 Technique to Improve Your Memory Fast

In my exclusive workshop, I walk you through the most powerful memory technique known to man, which will help you do anything from learning languages to passing certification exams or enhancing your studies. Enter your email below to get instant access.

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