
Car Crash Survivor Michael Gusman Talks About Mnemonics And Brain Trauma

Michael Gusman traumatic brain injury feature image of a toy card upside downCan memory techniques help people recover from traumatic brain injury?

Obviously, you need to consult with a doctor first, but you might find the Michael Gusman’s brain trauma experience inspiring and something you want to share with your medical professional.

In this episode of the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast, you’ll hear directly from him.

Why should you care?

Because Michael’s a memory enthusiast who was t-boned by an SUV at 55 miles per hour.

As a result, Michael suffered multiple injuries and a brain hemorrhage that left him with short term memory loss.

In this interview you’ll learn Michael’s personalized Memory Palace methods and wound up healing his memory.

He’s not the only one to experience memory improvement following brain injury. Matt Barclay not only recovered his memory, but gone on to give an incredible memory demonstration.

That means if you’re having memory issues from an accident, you stand a chance at great recovery too.

Plus, when you listen to this episode of the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast:

  • You’ll learn what the journey method is and how it can help you recall information without any effort.
  • You’ll learn how having a dedicated memory strategy helped him deal with the fear and confusion of memory loss following his accident.
  • You’ll hear about exactly how much of his recovery he attributes to the use of memory techniques.
  • You’ll learn how to directly place information into your long term memory so that when you want to recall it, it’s just like turning on a faucet.
  • You’ll learn about number rhymes and wax tablets, key techniques that anyone can get started using right away.
  • You’ll learn why memory techniques are a lot easier than they seem and how to use exotic action, images and even smells to help you memorize information.
  • You’ll learn Michael’s biggest mistakes as he was first learning memory techniques and building Memory Palaces so that you don’t have to make them yourself.
  • … and much, much more.

Enjoy this interview and let both Michael and I know if you have any questions.

And before you go, it’s not just car-crash induced brain trauma that mnemonics can help you recover from.

Check out this TEDTalk for some very interesting research into the use of Memory Palaces to help Alzheimer’s patients remember the names of their loved ones:

I’ve also run across an interesting report about people using Memory Palaces to stave off the effects of so-called “chemo brain.” That will be fantastic news if it really helps people cope with the terrible suffering of the cancer itself and the side effects of the medicines used to treat it.

So as you can see, even if you’ve experienced memory loss from brain trauma, there’s hope.
If you can see in your mind or even just think about where your kitchen is in relation to your bedroom, you’re halfway there. (And if you can’t, look up my video on aphantasia. Believe me, you can still use a Memory Palace and memory techniques.)
And if you can get an image or thought about your favorite actor or cartoon character in your mind, then chances are, you can learn to memorize just about anything.
You just need to work at it a little bit every day and have something you want to memorize. Make it something that will make a meaningful difference in your life, like Michael did. He skipped memorizing shopping lists and went straight for scripture with great personal meaning for him.
And if you’re worried that you don’t have any locations you can use to base a Memory Palace on, just have a listen to this episode of the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast. It will help you out a great deal. 🙂

Further Resources

St. Aquinas’ Summa Theologica

Rhetorica Ad Herennium

Jim Samuels on how to use mnemonics to reduce stress.

Traumatic Brain Injury article in Wikipedia.

If you’ve experienced memory loss from brain trauma or illness, let me know in the comments below. I’m always searching for ways to help! 🙂

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

Lifelong learning feature image with Anthony Metivier in a library with books

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