Special Black Friday Message For Fans of Fluent in 3 Months

Whatever Language You’re Learning, You Can Learn It Faster

Keep reading and discover how you can remember any word forever in just 6 minutes (or less)!

Noel Van Vliet Was Skeptical...

Welcome and hello from the Magnetic Memory Method Headquarters!

This is Anthony Metivier, creator of the MMM, and it’s true. Noel doubted he could memorize vocabulary as quickly as I promised him.

(And, understandably, skepticism often goes up around Black Friday when everyone and their uncle has a special offer.)

On top of my promise that anyone can memorize hundreds of words in incredibly brief periods of time using my “Magnetic” memory techniques…

Noel had encountered the hundreds of success stories that have been posted around the web.

Stories like those of MMM students like Amanda Markham and Eldon Clem… both reliably memorizing and remembering 200 words in 10 days and even 1000 words of a very difficult language in just six weeks.
Noel Van Vliet Language Learning Fan
It’s actually easy to do when you know how to “magnetize” words so that they stick in your memory.

But no matter how many success stories or scientific articles I shared with him, Noel still struggled to believe it. It all sounded too good to be true!

When I mentioned that these people were actually ancient memory techniques with a new twist based on findings I’d made in memory competition and brain science around how we learn, he was even more skeptical.

His “BS warning radar” was screeching at headache volume.


Noel was still curious.

So, instead of walking away and saying “that’s not for me”… he did the truly scientific thing and decided to put my methods to the test.

And I’m so glad he did because there’s a great lesson you can apply right now to your own language learning activities. Keep reading to discover a very powerful principle.

So Here's What Noel Did...

As a Spanish learner, there were words he still wanted to learn, but that had for some reason evaded him and his memory. Some language learners and polyglots call words like these the “Stubborn Quintile.”

For Noel, his list of stubborn vocabulary came to 127 words in total.

Given the claims he’d seen from me, he felt pretty sure this was achievable in the few hours he had available for study. It’s a good thing Noel reduced it down to 127 for his first test.

Why? Because a lot of people talk themselves out of using the techniques at all by worrying about memorizing thousands of words before they’ve sat down to memorize just ten. That’s called “overthinking.”

And if Noel’s experiment didn’t work? No problem. He could go back to his old techniques. There are other ways to wrestle with “stubborn” words, after all.

Now, let me be straight-up and transparent with you by sharing something raw and personal.

Although I’ve heard many success stories from people who use the Magnetic Memory Method, when Noel told me he was going to get out a timer so he could…

1. Make the words memorably “Magnetic”

2. Use a Memory Palace to quickly locate his words

3. Have a goal and keep an eye on the results

No Joke... This Specificity Made Me Kind Of Nervous!

Not because I didn’t think the techniques would work…

Not because I didn’t think he would succeed…

But I did wonder …

“Can Noel really learn that much, that quickly?”

Back then, I’d never timed anyone to see exactly how long it takes to learn a new word in minutes and seconds… not even myself.

So it was a tense time…

And when I saw Noel had emailed me with the results, I braced myself. I was pretty sure the results would be incredible…

They were AMAZING.

The best part?

… Noel’s results not only met my expectations. He outright beat them.

As Noel put it based on his use of the Magnetic Memory Method for Spanish:

“I learned a new word every six minutes” (That’s just 360 seconds per word).

It gets better still…

Noel then tested himself to see how long it would take him to recall all 127 words. He set his timer, and got to work.

Just 7 Minutes Later, He’d Recalled All 127 Words!

So … what’s the lesson here?

The first lesson is that he chose a point of focus: just the words he was struggling with and a reasonable number to use for the “test”.

Plus, Noel made sure to actually use the techniques I teach in my courses to make the words he wanted to learn “Magnetic” — so they’d stick in his memory. He didn’t “cherrypick” this or that video from the mix.

He simply completed the course, something that is incredibly easy to do when you turn off the distractions and take notes.

And just as I teach, Noel stored the words he wanted to remember in a “Magnetic storage vault”… which made them easy and quick for him to recall, as he needed them.

The “Magnetic storage vault” is also known as a Memory Palace — this is the ancient technique with a new twist that Noel was skeptical about (he’s totally won over now).

This is what a Memory Palace looks like:
Anthony Metivier Memory Palace of High School Magnetic Memory Method
Put simply, a Memory Palace is a “storage vault” for memories.

It’s a “floor-plan” for your memories that you can walk-through anytime – to recall memories anytime you need them.

I think of each corner in each room as a Magnetic Station.

This is the final key to “Magnetising” words and phrases you need to learn in your new language. So now you have all three keys.

Words will stick in your mind when:

There Are Other Powerful Keys To Unlocking Your Memory...

And I’d like to give you those keys to test for yourself, just like Noel.

Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of language learners improve their memory skills so they can learn a language faster – and start using their new language in real-life situations.

And I’ve refined and developed the method into several different Magnetic Memory programs – including some that I created just for language learners.

These programs teach the exact same techniques used by the language learners I’ve introduced you to on this page.

Just For You, This Black Friday...

To help you along your language learning journey, Benny and the FI3M team have helped me put together the perfect memory program for language learners.

We’ve spent months working it all out… and we’re super excited to finally announce it!

This special bundle is called The Language Of Memory.

It’s a video course training that includes three memory training courses tailored to language learners:

1. How to Learn and Memorize the Vocabulary of Any Language

2. The Ultimate Language Learning Secret

3. Speak from Memory

And to celebrate Black Friday, I’m also throwing in a couple of bonuses, which I’ll come to in a moment.

But you might be wondering…

What if Noel’s results are just a fluke?

Well, check out these success stories:
“200 words in 10 days!”
“I was able to add 200 new words in just 10 days – a phenomenal result!”
Amanda Markham Portrait for Magnetic Memory Method Testimonial

Amanda Markham

“1000 words in just 6 weeks.”

“I have successfully learned 1,000 words in a little more than 6 weeks, using your method. This is the most incredible method I have used yet. Thank you so much for teaching & coaching this.”

Eldon Clem Magnetic Memory Method Testimonial

Dr. Eldon Clem

“Filled with good examples that help assist the process.”
“This course is very helpful.

I have read a few books on memory training, and what I liked about Anthony Metivier’s course is that he has studied a number of the classic memory systems and synthesized a modern approach.

Anthony is so enthusiastic and persuasive that I felt inspired to stick to a daily study routine and indeed learned how to memorize vocabulary quickly.”
Chris Guthrey Magnetic Memory Method review portrait

Chris Guthrey

Here's A Preview Of What's Included In “The Language Of Memory”

But That's Not All!

The Language of Memory is the Perfect Memory Training Bundle For You Because...

… the complete list of what you get inside The Language of Memory during this Black Friday special is truly over the top when it comes to helping you finally master your learning abilitiesLet’s have a look:

How to Learn & Memorize the Vocabulary of Any Language:

Normally $197, this is the bestselling video course that has boosted the fluency of people around the world – fast! You’ll be guided step-by-step through everything Noel used to memorize words quickly and reliably.

The Ultimate Language Learning Secret:

Normally $97, this course ensures that you can find proper speaking partners and keep consistent. If you’re tired of falling of the horse, the lessons in this course will give you the inner resources to keep progressing.

Ultimate Language Learning Secret Course Image

Speak From Memory:

Normally $97, this video course helps you get what you’ve memorized in your mind into the muscle memory of your mouth. If you’ve ever felt anxious speaking your language, this course leaves no stone unturned in making sure you have the solution.

Here's What Else I'm Including This Black Friday

Victory Over Vocab:

Normally $97, this special bonus takes you into the habits and organizational thinking you can use to take command over thousands of words. Carpe Diem so that you don’t miss out on this incredible training module.

Image of Scrabble letters saying Carpe Diem to express the need to take action now with memorizing vocabulary

Lifetime Updates:

Valued at $397 per year as I add new courses, FAQs, and tutorials tailored to your needs. As an example of some updates, you can also:

* Learn to rapidly absorb entire phrases from additional tutorials with examples.

* Peer over my shoulder as I help a student quickly start committing his first round of foreign language vocabulary to memory. He teaches me Russian as we go and I memorize the vocabulary on the fly!

* Detailed walkthroughs of memorizing grammar with examples from multiple languages.

* A special training from a guest expert on using mind maps for language learning.

* … and much, much more coming soon in 2023 (including a walkthrough of how I memorized my TEDx Talk which includes memorized Sanskrit).
“The most specific, practically useful techniques around…”

“I’ve personally found some of Anthony Metivier’s memory tips to be extremely useful when I’m looking to memorize anything from foreign words to personal names, to equations. He has some of the most specific, practically useful techniques around.”
Barbara Oakley author of A Mind For Numbers Magnetic Memory Method
Barbara Oakley
Learning How To Learn
“You’d be hard-pressed…”
“Anthony is doing great work when it comes to making memory techniques and Memory Palaces accessible to the masses. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone teaching vocabulary acquisition more effectively and extensively.”
Alex Mullen

Alex Mullen

3x World Memory Champion

and Mandarin Learner

Take 89% Off With No Risk For 365 Days!

Your order is secure and satisfaction is 100% guaranteed

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You are fully protected by the Magnetic Memory Method 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don’t increase your ability to learn and remember over the next 365 days, just let me know and we’ll send you a prompt refund.

“I was very worried as I tackled learning Greek, but…”
“Your course has been an incredible help to me. I’ve been abel to memorize the Greek alphabet (sounds and symbols) frontward and backward. I was very worried as I tackled this project, but your techniques were so helpful.”
Kevin Wax Magnetic Memory Method Testimonial Product Review
Kevin Wax
“I’m thankful because it works!”

“I’ve been loving the program and can tell you really know your stuff. There’s wisdom in the simplicity of your answers and your Cognitive Overload avoidance strategies. I can tell you’ve put great effort into making the video courses and am thankful for that because it works.

If you’re someone reading this and debating whether or not you should invest in this program, ask yourself this question, ‘Can I really afford to not have these skill sets?’”

Andy Valdez


“Solid information and tools that have allowed me to take my language studies to a much higher level.”
“I have completed several memory courses and have had varying degrees of success. However, Anthony gives some detailed advice and training tips, that have made memorization, languages in particular, a lot clearer to me.

Anthony has filled in the blanks so to speak and he has provided solid information and tools, that have allowed me to take my language studies to a much higher level. Not to mention the fact, that I am now able to expedite the whole process.”
Mike Newton

“Only 3 days to get up and running.”
“I finished this course in 3 days. Now, I’m starting to construct my Memory Palaces. This course is amazing, definitely worth the money and time.”
Magnetic Memory Method Review portrait of Zilong li

Zilong Li

“This is already helping.”
“This course is exactly what I needed to help me get a leg up on learning the vocabulary of my languages. For any languages I already have a good grasp of the grammar, however I now need to build up my vocabulary and this course is helping me do exactly that. Thanks, Anthony!.”
Bud Brown Magnetic Memory Method review portrait

Bud Brown

“If you want to learn and memorize vocabulary, definitely you are going to love this course.”
“This was the first online course that I followed in front of a computer.

I have being suffering from my bad memory for about decades of time and really had enthusiasm to improve my memory. I had read about Anthony and his approach to the remembering things and was really fascinated. So I decided to buy this course and it was one of my best decisions in my life. It was totally worth it.

Anthony explains step by step how to create Memory Palaces and use them for learning a language.

I can still remember how I memorized Greek alphabet within 4 or 5 minutes.

My advice is engage with the course actively. Take your time. No need to hurry. Practice what exactly Anthony is saying and if you need any clarification ask just ask him.

Finally, I must thank Anthony for this valuable course. Thank you!”
Portrait of Rajitha Silva for Magnetic Memory Method review

Rajitha Silva

You're Getting All The Proven Techniques Needed To Make Info Stick In Your Brain

Inside the The Language Of Memory Bundle you’ll discover all the advanced techniques thousands of language learners around the world use to make new words “Magnetic” and stick in their memory.

Join now and you’ll learn how to:

Here's The REALLY Special Part...

Even after just a few days of learning these techniques, your friends will be begging to know where you’ve got this new “superpower” from (and of course it’s up to you whether you tell them).

With the The Language Of Memory Bundle, you’re getting courses worth a total of $885.

Now… while $885 is a lot less than just one module of language courses at many colleges and universities – I wanted to make it an incredible deal to celebrate Black Friday.

So for the next few days, I’m offering an 89% discount for Black Friday.

That means you can get $885 of world-class memory courses… for just $97.

But this offer is valid for a few days – until midnight EST on November 26th, 2022.

You can find out more, and pick up the full package by clicking “Sign up Now” below…

Take 89% Off With No Risk For 365 Days!

Your order is secure and satisfaction is 100% guaranteed

Remember to claim this special offer before midnight EST, November 26th, 2022.

I can’t wait to see you inside! 🙂

P.S.: This promotion ends at midnight EST, this November 26th, 2022. That means your 89% off discount expires promptly when the countdown timer on the next page reaches zero. Please grab the Language of Memory Bundle now before it’s too late.
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