
Katie Kermode On Memory Competition and Casual, Everyday Mnemonics

Memory Competitor Katie Kermode with a desk of playing cardsDo you ever wonder how memory competitors get so good at their craft?

Do they have some secret method that the Average Joe can’t begin to comprehend?

Is there a memory secret society that’s only available to those who participate in the competition world that you and I would never be able to access?

Good news:

Memory competitors are just like you. They have their strengths, weakness, and, believe it or not, have the time to have a life outside of memory training!

On today’s episode of the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast, I sit down with Katie Kermode, a memory champion and competitor from the United Kingdom, to discuss her memory journey.

Competing for over two decades, Katie is ranked 16th place in the world for memory competitors and is a four time memory world record holder.

Portrait of Memory Competitor Katie Kermode for the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast

She is also a professional translator and proofreader, memory coach, and is the creator of memorization and recall software used at the IAM World Memory Championships in 2018.

If you are struggling with finding the time to devote to memory training…

If names or dates elude you in information memorization…

Or if you think the end all, be all to strengthening your memory is a memory system just out of reach for the everyday memory improvement enthusiast

This podcast is for you.

Click play above now and discover:

  • The “right” age to begin memory techniques with children and how to motivate them to use these techniques from a young age
  • How to make the most of limited time for memory training
  • Using natural association patterns to remember names
  • Variances in techniques from memory competitors to casual users of mnemonics (and why there is no singular approach to memory training that is “best”)
  • Having a memory system vs. memory principles to build your own method
  • The benefits of memory software for memorization and recall
  • How to revolutionize attitudes about memory training in the digital age (without developing Digital Amnesia)
  • Memorization in competitions versus real life application
  • The benefits of attaching information to people along a Memory Palace journey

Katie Kermode with memory competition awards and playing cards

Further Resources on the Web, This Podcast, and the MMM Blog:

Katie Kermode’s Official Website

Katie Kermode’s Twitter

Katie Kermode on Nelson Dellis’s Mind Show

The International Association of Memory

IAM on Facebook

Katie’s Memory Software

Next Level Memory Training Secrets with USA Memory Champion John Graham

Nelson Dellis on the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast (episode referenced in this one)

Idriz Zogaj’s Discussion on Memory Training Apps

Stats about Katie (Records and Memory Titles):

  • World Record in 5-minute Names (105)
  • World Record in 15-minute Names (224)
  • World Record in 15-minute Words (318)
  • World Record in Memory League Words (50 in 51.31 seconds)
  • MSO Memory Champion 2018
  • MSO Memory Champion 2017
  • UK Memory League Champion 2016
  • UK Memory Champion 2012

About Katie’s Software:

This memory training software features these competition formats:

  • National Standard
  • International Standard
  • World Championship Standard
  •  Includes free memory training across these memory disciplines:
    • numbers
    • names
    • 5 minute words
    • dates
    • cards
    • images
    • binary

2 Responses

  1. I am glad that you invited Katie Kermode because she is an example of women in “Memory Competitions” and more meritorious because she is a mom with children.

    She mentioned that for her practicing memory is fun and interesting. She must have very good organization and discipline to dial in with training and everyday life.

    In reference to locations, I believe we can imagine locations but there are too many buildings or objects like cars, animals, geometry forms, views, flowers, trees …etc we can use to put information.

    In rotation locations it can be more complicated to remember where the information was and will be.

    Thanks, for sharing!

    1. Thanks for giving this one a listen and commenting, Maricela.

      Yes, organization and discipline are required, though the good news is that the memory techniques are usually organizational in nature. There is probably an influential effect they have on the rest of one’s life.

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

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