How You Can Easily Master The Best...

"Secret Weapons" For MAXIMIZING Your Personal Genius...

In Just A Few Weeks...

… as you effortlessly read and understand material that used to feel like it was conspiring against you!

From: The Desk of Anthony Metivier

To: Lifelong Learners Around the World

After years of puzzling over the most driving question of my professional life, I finally figured it out.

The answer had evaded me for years.

And it would have continued evading me if I hadn’t started reading the biographies of earthshaking geniuses like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, and Warren Buffet.

You know what they all hold in common?

They ALL read with momentum.

In fact, Buffet reads with so much momentum, he proclaims…

“Read 500 pages every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.”

But Buffet, in his classic, straight-shooter style, isn’t finished.

Seconds later he pours out a bit of tough love from his bottle of reality pills. He says…

“All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”

And that’s because…

The Way You've Been Taught To Read, REALLY IS Conspiring Against You!


We all know the education system is broken.


Worse, only a small percentage of teachers read enough themselves to even have an inkling of what institutionalized “schooling” is really all about.


And if they did figure it out, why would they teach for a corrupt system in the first place?


See, the reason I don’t teach at a university anymore isn’t because I can’t get a job.


When I saw how corrupt and broken that world was, I used my unique reading skills to rapidly teach myself everything I needed to free myself financially.


Although I wouldn’t say I built my online teaching business overnight, it was pretty close because of how quickly I’m able to master complex topics, and…


… maintain the correct mental attitude needed to get through the stuff you might not want to read, but still need to master if you’re ever going to succeed as the architect of your future.


Want to make sure that you belong to the exclusive group of people who do read in the ways that make you as successful as the world’s leading movers and shakers?


Keep reading and I’ll help you figure out how to be one of those who not only can do it.


I’m also going to show you how to..

Enjoy The Flourishing COMPOUND INTEREST That Accelerates Your Ability To Gather Even More Knowledge On Autopilot!

Even better.

What if you could enjoy the benefits of reading faster and understanding more without having to read quite so many pages?

(Possibly as little as 5-10 pages a day, assuming they are the right pages?)

I’m talking about reading in a way that expands your vocabulary too. In ways that connect you deeply to language itself so you can actually start experiencing “depth meaning,” instead of merely living life on the shallow surfaces of the world.

If you’re nodding your head and saying “yes” because you want to be a top performer who literally gets paid interest by reading faster and remembering more, then be sure to read each and every word on this page.

It could be the most important page on the Internet you ever read.


Here's The Only SURE-FIRE Way To Develop Wisdom

The kind of wisdom that helps you see and seize opportunities that everyone else is blind to.

The ability to dodge bullets and eliminate unnecessary obstacles from your life.

All while becoming a respected expert in your field and commanding the intellectual respect, greater economic certainty and dream life you deserve.

That’s compound interest. Paid directly to you. Because you finally learned how to read.

Not only that, but you learned how to constantly recover the love for learning.

The alternative is to become someone who passes only the tests necessary to live life as what education specialist John Higton called a “joyless little bean counter.”

Who dreams of leading a life like that?

The answer is no one. And the antidote is learning to read with love, and not only that, but to retain, know and use what you read.

But let’s face the facts.

Learning to read as much as you need in order to keep ahead and create the EPIC mental connections that improve your life can be challenging.

Really hard.

Many of the important books you need to be reading?

Let’s not beat around the bush. They can be incredibly abstract.

It can feel impossible to know where to start.

If only someone could just tell you what it all means, reading should become faster and easier, right?

Especially if you’ve invested your time in learning techniques like reducing subvocalization and controlling your eye movements.

You know. The stuff they teach in the standard speed reading books and courses.

If you just count how many words you read a moment and contort your eyes exactly as they recommend, you’ll suddenly read and comprehend 3x more information, right?


It actually gets worse. Here’s why:

Even if you do get a bit more speed out of those books and courses, you’ll still only get a tiny glimpse at the big picture.

And if you’re honest with yourself, you’re not even sure you’ve understood that tiny piece of the puzzle you’ve eeked out of those books you know you need to master.

After reading thousands of emails over the years and releasing a few very successful “rants” against the corrupt world of “speed reading”…

I decided that I needed to fix this.

Not only because I’ve taught reading courses before at Rutgers University and the University of Saarland in Germany.

But also because I know how important it is to feel like you’re good at doing something. As psychologist Dr. Jan Tonnesvang puts it, mastery is a basic human psychology need.

And the fastest and most likely way for each and every one of us to master at least one topic in our lives is through reading.

So because I know how to teach reading, because science supports reading as the most likely path to mastery, and because we can now hold seminars via Zoom, I’ve decided to bring you something very special.

The same, 360-degree, fully-integrated learning experience you could previously only get from me at great expense. Assuming you were in the same city and accepted into the universities where I was teaching.

Image of Anthony Metivier helping some local entrepreneurs use Thinkific in Brisbane


I’ve got over a decade of experience teaching memory techniques.

So I’ve developed a brand new program that combines what I used to teach about reading with memory techniques.

Not only have I built this new learning experience from the ground up.

I’ve now able to help you deeply integrate the world renowned Magnetic Memory Method with everything you read in a step-by-step, online experience that will leave you reading and integrating your knowledge with deep and impactful memories of everything.


Read with Momentum Cohort Course Graphic

The WORLD'S ONLY 360-Degree integrated, step-by-step online learning system for serious learners who want to remember everything they read.

Here’s how it works:

This program is structured using my unique, 360-degree framework that immerses you in the key skills required to truly develop as a person of knowledge. Like Tesla, Einstein and Steve Jobs.

To accomplish this, I’ll take you through 5 reading skills you need to ensure success as the architect of your future.

This is just part of what makes Read with Momentum so much better than any other “speed reading” program out there.

And the key is to give you the 5 key techniques for effective reading in a comprehensive way, without ever overwhelming you.

To do that, Read with Momentum gives you real reading assignments to introduce the key concepts, help you focus and keep it fun!

1. Targets & Systems

Does it really matter how fast you’re going if you’re reading in the wrong direction?

Not really.

If you’re as sick as I am of people with anonymous usernames bragging that they can read 800 words a minute without a shred of proof that they’ve accomplished anything meaningful in their lives, then you’re also fed up with people who have no direction.

In this module, you’ll discover how impactful people design their learning projects, create excitement, harness momentum and keep going even when life throws a curveball or they hit a snag in their ability to understand something.

If you’re heard of the so-called Feynman Technique (a way of teaching yourself to become at least as smart as he was), this is like that but much more powerful.

After all, this program is about helping you become the best possible version of yourself, not the next Richard Feynman.

That said, I’ve done the research and will teach you the key ways that top performers created learning targets for themselves.

Then, instead of relying on “motivation,” they created systems that enabled them to do the reading required to reach their chosen targets.

I’ve modeled this simple approach for decades and wound up building the world’s premiere memory training website as a result, not to mention transforming thousands of lives around the world.

If you want to create impact, I’ll hand you the blueprint and show you how to get out of your own way so you can cruise toward success.

2. Speed Reading Exposed

Why is that all of these speed reading “techniques” exist in the first place?

Who came up with them?

What does the science really say?

We’re going to spend a module on this for two reasons:

It is absolutely critical to understand why these pseudoscientific ideas waste time and prey on the gullible.

You’ll sharpen your critical thinking skills by learning to interpret how people manipulate data and your emotions to get you to buy all kinds of things you don’t need.

Make no mistake.

If you want to Read with Momentum, you’re going to need to learn how to blast through the garbage as if you have lasers in your eyes.

We’ll go into all kinds of cognitive biases that most people never teach in this module so you’ll never be duped by anyone again.

And the one or two good things that the speed reading world does teach (like priming)?

I’ll show you what real scientists call this technique and teach you exactly how to strengthen it. There are some subtle differences between how it works when reading digital vs. print and you’ll discover each of these.

You’ll discover how to learn properly from audiobooks too.

But the best part is, you’re probably already doing it in a casual and amateur way.

By the end of this course, you’re going to be doing it like a genius.

3. Extracting & Retaining Key Information

So many learners flounder because they either don’t know what to remember or can’t decide.

They’re totally overwhelmed by decision anxiety.

Yet, there are incredibly simple ways to remove this problem forever.

In this module, you’ll learn how to interpret what’s important in what you’re reading and prove it to yourself and others.

This is where you’ll make the biggest transition from a passive reader who flounders to focus and truly awaken to the potential as you read actively and use my exclusive systems.

4. Understand On Demand

Reading is an utter waste of time if you can’t comprehend the material.

Or is it?

Memory experts who should know better often preach that you shouldn’t memorize something you don’t understand…

But I’m here as a multi-times bestselling author, celebrated TEDx speaker and award-winning memory expert that such statements are utter nonsense.

I know for a fact (and you’ll know it too by the end of this course) that Einstein memorized things he didn’t understand all the time.


Because that’s how you get to master information the fastest!

From using the Memory Palace technique to image streaming and experiencing hyperphantasia, I will turn you into a human factory that pumps out insights deeper than you ever imagined possible.

The best part?

I have a series of exercises we’ll go through live that will give you the most astonishing “A-ha!” moments you’ve ever experienced.

And if you don’t absolutely break out with joy during this model, I’m sorry. You’re just not human.

5. Advanced Memory Techniques

I love big books. I read the biggest books I can find.

Not only that, I make sure they’re also the most challenging.

In this final module of the course, you’ll discover exactly how the Memory Palace technique will help you keep ahead of what appears to be an infinity of books.

But instead of feeling overwhelmed and that you’ll never get anywhere, you’ll discover how to tap into that zettabyte of available storage space in your mind.

In case you don’t know the term, renowned neuroscientist Dave Eagleman uses it to describe how much memory storage the average human possesses.

A zettabyte is more than enough for all the information in the world. With room to spare.

That’s why I can promise you Read With Momentum will deliver…

"I recently returned to university after 16 years… I was TERRIFIED. Everything is so different!

Anthony's training has helped me reduce the anxiety of being unprepared in lectures and the stress of exams. NOW, I'm crushing my courses.

Anthony, in my opinion, is the greatest memory instructor in the world."

Adolfo Artigas Magnetic Memory Method Testimonial Photo
Adolfo Artigas
- US Navy and University Student
"Anthony is doing great work when it comes to making memory techniques and Memory Palaces accessible to the masses. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone teaching this more effectively and extensively."
Alex Mullen
Alex Mullen
- 3x World Memory Champion, medical resident and accomplished student of Chinese
"I take a large course load (31 hours per trimester, 93 hours a year) and it was difficult to manage all the material and stay sane.

Now I enjoy studying and learning new material. It is pretty awesome.

I really enjoy this. Anthony makes learning not suck. I found some love of learning in very dense subjects. It is beautiful.

My ability to create new images with densely encoded material and my ability to recall the information without struggling at all has improved.

Do. It. As. Soon. As. Possible. No matter where you are what situation you are in, Anthony makes learning easier."
Robert Spraggs MMM Testimonial
Robert Spraggs
- University Student
"I consider Anthony Metivier a personal mentor. If there is someone who thinks about and uses memory techniques as often as he does, I haven't found that person. He connects the dots better than anyone I know and will teach you how to use mnemonics to enhance the quality of your life."
Next Level Memory Training Secrets with USA Memory Champ John Graham
John Graham
- 2018 USA Memory Champion
"Your are really amazing. What I have learned has changed my life! I can't begin to tell you how much better I am able to remember things now.

Topics I never thought I could master have become fun and easy."
Laura Roy MMM Masterclass Review Testimonial
Laura Roy
- Certified Medical Illustrator, John Hopkins University
"Anthony Metivier is a Warrior of the Mind!"
Tony Buzan
Tony Buzan
- Founder, World Memory Championship, Mind Map Innovator and Multi-time International Bestselling Author
"This is the first time I've been excited about learning in 10-12 years! I already notice a tangible difference that I can demonstrate. You certainly opened up a new world to me."
Christian Altenburg
Christian Altenburg
- Metro Business Director at FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia

Why Read With Momentum Will Help You

This program gives you 3 things you cannot get from anyone else:

1. A fully integrated system

In just 5 modules, you’re going to dive deep into ALL the core skills necessary to develop yourself as an accomplished reader.

Not pseudoscientific junk based around claims of “limitless” memory. But the practical use of limits that real experts use to create focus you’ll direct like a laser to cut through the junk and get to the good stuff. Fast.

2. Learn by doing

Unlike many other books and courses, Read with Momentum uses real reading material as the basis for learning so you can feel your progress as you move through the program.

You’ll boost your vocabulary, understand exactly what language is and how to absorb it like a sponge.

But unlike an actual sponge, you’ll never have to squeeze any of that precious knowledge out. You’ll constantly expand your sponge instead by learning how to select better books using a special process you cannot learn anywhere else.

Best part?

You’ll have more fun than you ever imagined possible along the way!

3. Sequential learning

The sequential learning methodology I’ve developed based on my years as a professor makes this program different from anything else you will find online.

This way, the feeling that some books you need to read are “just too hard” will disappear completely. You will always have a strategy for reading and understanding anything, no matter how complex. You will possess all of my secret weapons for rapidly comprehending anything.

Plus, you’ll learn how to eliminate boredom. You’ll never feel like you’re caught in a repetitive loop again.

I’ll help you eliminate the need to re-read first and foremost. But should you ever need to re-examine something, you’ll be equipped with special tools that make the review process fascinating to you. You’ll even crave re-reading certain books and articles once you understand how this tactic works.

Even better, you’ll never feel left out of the conversation again. You’ll be able to get straight to the core of the matter, use critical thinking to assess the various angles and contribute unique perspectives and solutions.

Here's EXACTLY How You'll Use Your Newfound Reading Skills To Rapidly Expand Your Personal Genius...

– Detailed, step-by-step lessons and assignments

For each of these lessons you get the videos and the MP3s.

– Detailed feedback & real-time progress check-ins

Whenever you’re ready, send me your assignments. I’ll examine what you’ve done and amplify everything with a personal response.

Make no mistake:

The opportunity at the end of each lesson to interact with me is priceless. One reason is simple: I love helping people. That fact alone injects massive value into my responses.

– Condensed summaries

I have to warn you:

Each lesson is next-level. This means real teaching. University level. So to make sure you don’t miss the nuances, I’ve included condensed versions of each lesson.

These powerful reviews also infuse additional context that accelerate your learning.

– Downloadable learning material

You won’t have to scurry around trying to find the assigned readings. I’ve arranged everything for you.

I’m also not going to throw long and impossible texts at you.

Yes, some of them will challenge you. But you cannot expect to grow without challenge.

Rather, I know exactly how to use the principle of variety from the science of active learning to keep you engaged.

And although the assigned readings are short, they will open entire worlds of ideas and experiences for you. You’ll wonder why you hadn’t heard of them before.

And if you have heard of them, you’ll wonder why you never thought about them using the critical thinking tools you’ll discover in Read with Momentum.

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Guarantee seal

"Right Decision" Money-Back Guarantee

This program is backed by a 365-day “Right Decision” Guarantee.


Seriously. That’s an ENTIRE YEAR.

Go through all the lessons. Take notes. Complete all the exercises and send them to me. Put the lessons into practice by mastering how you read and learn using memory techniques using my detailed feedback.

Then apply the reading and memory methods you discover to everything:

Study for exams, or learn complex, technical terms for your job. If at any point, you decide Read with Momentum was not worth it for you… just write in, and I’ll give you a full 100% refund.

If you’re thinking that I must be crazy for holding you responsible to your goals, maybe I am a little. But no more or less than other shakers and movers. And we all know that authentic learning is about implementation, which is why this condition is in place.

It’s also here because I care about your success and don’t want anything to stand between you and achieving the life of your dreams… a life that is only fully possible when you can deeply absorb the knowledge contained in books.

(Not video snippets. Not summaries. Not Wikipedia entries. Not anything except for the depth provided in substantial books by proven experts that you engage with deeply by applying the course principles actively. It’s doing things optimally that will help you read from the real sources of knowledge in ways that are faster, much more fun and will feel as easy as is humanly possible.)

Why don’t other people teaching memory techniques have wonderful satisfaction guarantees that hold participants to their commitment?

I don’t know. Maybe they’re cowards. Maybe it’s just a “product” to them. Maybe they don’t give a damn about your success.

Well, I do. Your success is my dream. (Yes, YOU.)

So come in and get what you need. The risk is entirely on me.

Isn’t that fair?

How Will You Know When You’re Successful?

This is totally optional, but for those who want it, I’ve arranged a final test.

Complete it and you will receive your very own Maximum Genius Certificate of Participation from myself and

This certificate can be handed to your employer, many of whom will reimburse your participation fee, either in part of full.

And if you’re self-employed, in most countries this entire program can be submitted as a tax-reducing expense.


Would $8000 Help You Along "The Extra Mile"?

Lugano Kasyupa took the certification I offer seriously.

Not only did he send me a great pic of himself and his daughter with the completion certificate…

And he wound up getting an $8000 scholarship!

Here’s what he wrote shortly after the good news came through:

Lugano Kasyupa Read with Momentum testimonial
Dear Professor Metivier,

I have been accepted to start my Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership at Adler University in January 2023. Adler University's Department of Student Experience and Academic Advising (DSEAA) will soon finalize a degree completion plan for me, which I'll share with you when I get it. Today I have attached the proposed degree completion plan.

Adler University has awarded me an $8,000 scholarship and has transferred into my program a total of 33 credit hours from Cape Breton University's MBA-CED program. I am left with 57 credit hours.

I am at this point because you have instructed me and inspired me. Thank you very much for your continued support.

Lugano Kasyupa – Read with Momentum Graduate

The background story on Lugano’s scholarship involves a bit more than that he took Read with Momentum as seriously as I intended.

 I went along the extra mile with him.

See, not only did I send him the certificate when the course was over.

I also wrote him a letter of recommendation for the award. And that’s something I’m willing to do for everyone who goes through the course.

So if you’ve got big dreams, I’ve got your back.

Or, if you just want to structure your reading life better, I’ve also got your back simply by being here to answer your questions.

Lugano Kasyupa Read with Momentum certificate

This Program Would Normally Cost $1800 (Or More) At University, But...

You Can Get Read With Momentum Now For Just $300!

Add this exclusive training program to your Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass learning area now and you’ll experience:

Plus You'll Get These EXCLUSIVE Bonus "Turbochargers"!


Available nowhere else, I’m including three powerful trainings with your registration today:

Turbocharger #1: Genre Frameworks

Genre Frameworks

There’s this thing some people do at universities called “Film Studies.”

Sounds kind of boring, doesn’t it?

After all, isn’t “studying” just a bunch of hard work?

Certainly, gaining knowledge about anything in the world requires time and effort.

But why on earth know anything about the movies?

Well, for one thing…

Watching Movies Is Never Hard Work!

Reading books is one thing, but we also need to amp up our skills for “reading” things like movies, commercials and series.

When you learn how to see these different media for what they really are, some magical things happen to your life.

But I’m not just talking about the obvious stuff like coming to understand art, culture, economics, politics and human psychology.

I’m also not just talking about picking up good research and communication skills, the kind of things that you’re bound to get when writing essays about the movies.

I’m talking about critical thinking.

You see…

Life is filled with vital problems. For thousands of years, people have been chewing on those problems and trying to find solutions – or at least ways to dumb down the pain.

Stories have always been one of the highest forms of solving humanity’s problems. This form of communication creates all kinds of images in the mind and makes discussions possible that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

The movies have taken stories and made them an even higher form by bringing together nearly every art you can think of into one package: painting, acting, music, editing, architecture, lighting, cooking … the list goes on and on. Every movie is like a cathedral that required a helping hand from each and every artisan around.

This means that each movie is a compression of the unconscious minds of every person involved in making it. If we know how to interpret the movies, we know how to interpret those minds. And those minds have clues about how to survive in the world.

So if you’d like to learn critical thinking skills by tapping into other forms of media so you can see the simple solutions humans have created to solve complex problems and shared through stories, you’ll want exclusive access to this bonus course.

But there’s no time to delay. The previews are coming to an end and the show’s about to begin. Register for Read with Momentum so I can gift you Genre Frameworks now!

Turbocharger #2: Conquering Content

Conquering Content Course Image

Want to make an impact?

Writing is the number one way to do it.

After all, “content is king” on the Internet. It probably always will be. Content defines the Internet.

But you know what?

Context is God.

That’s why you’ll want to create connections through writing, both for yourself and others.

And why not create financial security and an incredible lifestyle while you do it?

In Conquering Content, we look at the opposite of reading.

In this exclusive bonus, I share my success strategies for producing high-quality content based on that higher level of helping people experience context.

This is your chance to be everywhere online in a practical, and realistic way, even if you’re just starting out.

Just join Read with Momentum now and you’ll get instant access to Conquering Content.

Turbocharger #3: Foreign Language Reading Made Easy

Anthony Metivier learning two languages at once

Imagine strolling through the streets of Berlin and stopping to effortlessly read a classic (or contemporary) German novel. Picture yourself exploring the vibrant markets of Tokyo, effortlessly deciphering Japanese from the titles you find in niche bookshops.

In this bonus training, you’ll discover how to “manufacture” an insatiable curiosity that gets you reading in any language – even if you don’t feel ready yet.

Follow the simple steps, and soon you’ll have the ability to comprehend and enjoy texts written in your chosen language.

Why do you need to read in at least one other language?

It is the key to global success: Imagine the power and prestige that comes with being able to read in a foreign language. This bonus gives you a competitive edge in today’s globalized world.

Cultural immersion: Reading in a foreign language immerses you in the culture, history, and traditions of different nations. Reading using the strategies you’re about to discover helps you effortlessly develop the language skills necessary to dive deep into foreign literature and gain a profound understanding of diverse societies.

Supercharge your mind: Scientific studies show that learning a foreign language enhances cognitive abilities and boosts memory. I’ll show you how to use reading for brain-boosting exercises to strengthen your mental agility… even if you barely know the language.

Save time and money: Traditional language learning methods can be time-consuming and costly. I’ll help you skip the lengthy classroom sessions and learn at your own pace, right from the comfort of your own home. No more wasting time on commuting or expensive textbooks.

The joy of self-expression: Imagine being able to read and understand your favorite books, poetry, and articles in their original language. Even better, as you fully embrace the beauty and nuances of literature in your chosen language, you’ll be able to speak with natives about the books they love too.

Remember, the ability to read in a foreign language is not just a skill—it’s a gateway to personal growth, cultural enrichment, and expanded opportunities. Don’t miss out on this life-changing experience. Enrol in Read with Momentum today and unlock the power of reading in a foreign language.

Get This Course Now!

Now, this is the point where I’m supposed to remind you of everything you’re getting when you sign up for Read with Momentum

How you get access to all of its of in-depth lessons…

How you’ll get dozens of actionable exercises and step-by-step instructions for how to transform your reading life starting immediately…

But instead, I want to share something a student named James Lewis wrote to me recently…

“I actually wake up each morning excited about picking up and memorizing new words from a Spanish Dictionary!

Who gets excited about going through a dictionary?!”

We do.

That’s because the minds of people in the MMM Family haven’t been corrupted by the “quick fix” lies of the corporations and “apps” trying to hijack your mind.

We are “Warriors of the Mind.”

How cool is that!

The point here isn’t just that reading can be fun and enjoyable.

(Although that is absolutely the case when you break free of the boring, tedious methods that most of us are taught in school.)

The point is that having advanced reading and comprehension strategies is about more than just the material we master or the ideas we memorize.

It’s about feeling excited and alive!

Anthony Metivier portrait for Magnetic Memory Method

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Dr. Anthony Metivier

Creator of the Magnetic Memory Method & Brain Exercises Bootcamp

About Your "MOMENTUM-FOCUSED" Course Leader

Bestselling author and course creator, Dr. Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st Century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, dreams, names, music, poetry and much more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

He offers simple techniques for reading effectively and memorizing the information that will change your daily life: foreign language vocabulary, names and faces, material for tests and exams.

There’s no hype in this training, just legitimate learning routines that work to improve the quality of your daily mental experience.

Are Any Of These FAQs On Your Mind?

How long will this take?


There is no cookie-cutter answer here, but these are the basic expectations for success:


You can complete the core training in 5-10 hours. This is not my opinion, but the data that I’ve received over the years from our most successful course participants.


The core training involves:


1. 5 video lessons


2. Summary videos


3. Detailed Q&A answers in video and audio that leave no stone unturned


4. Short reading assignments and simple exercises


As you’ve seen, there are bonuses courses to complete, and each one requires about 5-10 hours. These bonuses are also based on university courses I’ve taught.


In terms of daily practice, let’s face it. More is more. People interested in the life-long brain benefits of reading should expect to read for life, at least 4x a week for 30-60 minutes. If regular reading disappears, there will still be some benefit and you’ll do well. But it won’t be as fast and sharp as it could be with regular reading and the specific actions you’ll be learning in place.


How long do I have access to the course?


 How about lifetime access? You’ll also get to keep all the additional exercises and bonus courses.


Are there any live lessons?


 No. These are recorded lectures packed with layers of detail, dedicated assignments and summaries of the key concepts. You can go through the material in video or audio format, or both.


What’s the difference between this program and the Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass and your other books and courses?




No memory and mental performance trainer alive has put in the work I have to make a world-class experience for regular people like you and me.


As John Dziki said:


“Anthony is not yet another Mental Athlete who is focused on winning competitions. He gives you ways to learn something useful, not how to memorize a 1,000-digit number you’ll never use. His training is focused and can make a real impact on your life.”


 But unlike the MMM Masterclass, in Read with Momentum


1) The focus is on reading and comprehension strategies first, memory second. They actually go together, and I’ll teach you how to ensure that reading, comprehension, and memory flow together.


2) You can get feedback when you send in your assignments. There is no other way to get this kind of attention on your personal learning goals without paying my individual coaching fee. And even then, you would be paying several thousand dollars to cover the detailed instruction you’ll be receiving in Read with Momentum.


3) There is no other way to get this information. In fact, one of the problems with other reading programs is that they aren’t structured to deliver information and actions that can actually help you or interact with you. This program is.


And Read with Momentum is based on an incredible program I was privileged to teach under supervision from a world-class educator. Much of my career success can be traced to what I learned from reading by having learned how to teach it from Dr. Spellmeyer at Rutgers.


You’re also getting direct access to everything I’ve learned since, with all updates grandfathered in, such as the recent bonus tutorial on reading in foreign languages.

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by my 100% “Right Decision” Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don’t feel overjoyed by using your new Read with Momentum processes, just complete the tasks, submit them and let me know within one year and I’ll send you a prompt refund. That’s 365-day to work on what you’ve learned and experience the results. All I ask is that you try the techniques as described. Isn’t that fair?

P.S.: Welcome to the beginning of a whole new level of reading and comprehension abilities that will prepare you for the growing information overwhelm yet to come as the world keeps getting more complex.


And because you’ll have a community of people who want to support you, you’ll never be alone. You will improve and experience the mastery you’ve always wanted.

At the end of this day, this is about reading, comprehension, memory improvement and something else. I’ve already mentioned it above and it’s well worth repeating:


It’s About Feeling Excited And Alive!


No matter what stresses, pressures or worries about the future we might face.


But remember:


If you don’t jump on this opportunity right now, you won’t just be missing out on incredible boosts in how you’re using your brain.


You’ll also miss the exclusive bonuses designed to take your creativity skills, concentration and memory to the next level in a way that only Anthony’s “Magnetic” approach can help you create.


Don’t miss this opportunity!

Copyright: Advanced Education Methodologies PTY. LTD.