From Best Selling Author & Leading Memory Expert, Anthony Metivier

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Thank You For Requesting Your FREE
Memory Improvement Kit &…

Anthony Metivier with book

...You're About To Uncover The Biggest And Best Learning Techniques Of All Time!

You now finally have all the resources you need to:

Dear friend,

My name is Dr. Anthony Metivier and I help mature adults bring mental adventure to filling the gaps in their skills by showing you how use next-level memory techniques.

I’ve just sent you an email. The email is important  because it contains instructions on how to make sure you can unlock all four of the special memory improvement videos I’ll be sending you.

Starting with the incredible secrets in Video Number One:

(About the email I’m sending:

If you haven’t received it in about 10 minutes, check your spam folder or promotions folder if you use Gmail. Sometimes our robot overlords make the mistake of sending my messages to those places.)

Next, I just want to say thank you.

Thank you for trusting me and opting in to get this free memory kit and accompanying videos that I have prepared for you. You are going to love this memory boosting training because it can help you accomplish any learning goal quickly.

For example, here’s what anthropologist Amanda Markham achieved:

"I followed and actually DID what Anthony suggested and in 10 days was able to remember an additional 200 words in a language that is considered one of the most difficult for English speakers to learn. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am with this!"
Amanda Markham Portrait for Magnetic Memory Method Testimonial
Amanda Markham

Then there’s Gian Fortuin’s experience:

"Guess what? Miracles do happen. When I was writing my test, I enjoyed writing it so much because I could recall most of the information I needed to answer the questions. Anthony, you’re a God given angel with talent. Thanks for the time and effort you invest in helping people like us and showing us a greater and brighter path ahead in life."
Guin Fortuin Magnetic Memory Method Testimonial small
Gian Fortuin

And, finally (for now), Colm Gallagher exposes the truth of how the Magnetic Memory Method training you just signed up for really works:

"When I use the Magnetic Memory Method, information sticks. When I try to do it alone (without the techniques Anthony teaches) it’s gone. Anthony shows great support and interest in your progress. This is too good not to share."
Colm Gallaghar Portrait Magnetic Memory Method Testimonial
Colm Gallagher

Would you like to go on a mental adventure that will make learning faster, easier and more fun?

Then you’ll want to start by downloading these free worksheets. Put them in a special folder, start reading right away and then watch the first video for instructions on creating your first “Magnetic Memory Palace.”

What’s a Memory Palace? What makes it “Magnetic”?

If you’re ready to embrace the adventure, all the techniques you need to unlock the hidden potential of your mind await when you start right now with:


Simply click on each link below, or right click and hit “Save link as” to save each of these files on your computer.

Download Memory Improvement Kit – Worksheet #1

Download Memory Improvement Kit – Worksheet #2

Download Memory Improvement Kit – Worksheet #3

Please create a folder in your computer called “Magnetic Memory Method” to store these and keep it on your desktop until you’ve completed each one.

I also recommend you bookmark this page so you can find your way back to it in case you need to watch the video below again.


Simply hit “play” below to watch this video walkthrough.


You can either fill out the worksheets inside the document on your computer… or you can print them out and  complete them by hand.

In the FREE PDF downloads above you’ll also find:

In case you’re wondering, I personally complete my own exercises multiple times a year. I also go through them before giving memorized talks, like my recent TEDx on the two questions that silence negative thoughts.


Click here for the first video of the easy to complete, four part series I’ll be sending you.. In this first video you’ll learn:


Should you have any questions, check out my contact form.

There, you’ll find a number of resource videos and a means of contacting me if you need further help. 🙂


If so, please spread the good news about memory techniques with your friends using these links.


My mission is to see the Magnetic Memory Method in high schools and colleges all around the world so millions of people can finally discover one of the most important skills you can ever learn. And in fact, the movement has already begun!

Invite your friends and associates to join this movement now and spread the good news about memory techniques by using my YouTube link below so they too can start improving their memory and change their lives starting today.

Anthony Metivier portrait for Magnetic Memory Method

Subscribe on YouTube

From new ways of looking at memory techniques, to unpacking their lessons from the ancient memory training books, our community loves to hang out on YouTube.

Be sure to subscribe and enable notifications so you don’t miss any of our community live streams.

Let me know when you’ve done this and I’ll send you a special gift!

(Just reply to the email I’m sending you now.)

To your memory and learning breakthroughs!

With gratitude,

Dr. Anthony Metivier “Memory Scientist” Creator, Magnetic Memory Method

P.S. You can also share this same Free Memory Improvement Kit anytime. Just use this link.

Thanks for being part of the mission to spread global mental literacy and better living through better memory around the world.

Image of Anthony Metivier helping some local entrepreneurs use Thinkific in Brisbane

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