
Mind Map Mastery: 10 Tony Buzan Mind Mapping Laws You Should Follow

Tony Buzan Mind Map Mastery Book ReviewA lot of people search the Internet for Mind Map software. And that’s great… provided they’re getting it from Tony Buzan. Most especially when you’ve read his book, Mind Map Mastery.

Why read this book?

First of all:

No one else alive has thought so thoroughly through this incredible technique for externalizing the brain and interacting with it quite like Tony Buzan.

Even better, no one else has shown so thoroughly how:

  • A proper Mind Map boosts creativity.
  • How Mind Mapping as a practice improves memory.
  • How the process of mind mapping sets you mentally free (more on that in a bit).  

It gets better too because…

No one has given more Mind Mapping examples than Tony Buzan.

And in Mind Map Mastery, Tony Buzan provides exactly what the subtitle of this book promises:

Mind Map Mastery is Your Complete Guide to Learning And Using
The Most Powerful Approach to Mind Mapping in The Universe!

I know that sounds exaggerated, but here me out because in this extensive book review, you’re about to discover:

* Why Tony Buzan’s Mind Map Mastery delivers on this promise

* Why making your thoughts visible eliminates mental exhaustion

* Why colors create mental focus and energy

* How simple limits create an infinity of ideas

* How a proper Mind Map can serve as a Memory Palace

* Bonus: How to fuse a Tony Buzan Mind Map with the Major System!

If all that sounds good to you, please read every word on this page. I promise I will earn your agreement that Mind Map Mastery by Tony Buzan is the most important book in the world!

The Future Of Mind Mapping Begins With The Past

Tony Buzan begins Mind Map Mastery with a short history.

And in case you’re wondering, yes, “history” is the right word.

Buzan taught the skills and benefits of mind mapping for a very long time before writing Mind Map Mastery. Just check out this video from 1974:

This video is from the same year Use Your Head appeared. This is what one of its many book covers looked like:

Tony Buzan Book Cover of Use Your Head Early Mind Map Teaching Magnetic Memory Method Blog

As he explains in Mind Map Mastery (released 44 years after Use Your Head!), the Mind Map emerged from an understanding of the brain as a spatial arrangement of neurons.

But That Realization Didn’t Happen Overnight!

And Buzan drew upon other influences to arrive at this powerful conclusion. For example:

Buzan’s understanding of the method of loci was integrated into mind mapping.

Buzan also encountered the Major System from day one of university.

(The Major is also spatial in many ways. More on that with these 3 Powerful Memory Techniques For Memorizing Numbers.)

With the method of loci that underlies the Memory Palace technique and the Major, Tony Buzan brought the first Mind Map to life.

Yet… there was a problem!

How Tony Buzan Solved Problems With The Early Mind Map

As Buzan reflects, his first Mind Maps had problems.

In his words, they were “monochromatic, monotone and monotonous.”

Worse… he struggled to answer this question:

Is Mind Mapping Note-Taking?

In short, no. Far from it.

In essence, Buzan had revolutionized note-taking.

But for Buzan, this was not good enough. So Tony Buzan did what all great innovators do:

He showed the technique to others, particularly learners left behind by the system.

Next, Buzan observed how these learned used his early mind maps to improve their lives.

Finally,  Buzan took his observations back to the Mind Mapping process so he could improve the technique.

How Tony Buzan Mind Maps Mimic The Organic
Brain Better Than Any Software

As we know from many great geniuses, solvitur ambulando. That phrase means, “it is solved by walking.” 

And solve the problems with mind mapping by walking is exactly what Tony Buzan did:

To help himself understand more about why his early Mind Maps were helping people, he walked in nature.

As a result, thoughts about how to better “mirror” the cellular nature of the brain on paper emerged.

Radiant Thinking

Observing the Mind Maps combined with walking and reflecting led to revelations about “Radiant Thinking.”

By giving people a means of connecting thoughts on paper like the brain connects ideas through cells, Mind Mapping broke free from note-taking.

Like the brain when it is operating at its full power, “Radiant Thinking” through Mind Mapping is:

  • Multi-faceted
  • Colorful
  • Associative
  • Multidimensional
  • Verbal and Pictorial
  • Imaginative and Analytical

Isn’t that exciting! Imagine being able to think in these ways all at the same time without the costs of multi-tasking!

The good news is this:

You can!

Tony Buzan Use Your Head Secrets Mixed With The Laws Of Mind Mapping

For all of these accomplishments, there was still a problem…

No matter how clear the instructions…

Some people are teaching Mind Mapping without understanding the method.

Instead of following the Laws of Mind Mapping, they are calling other techniques like these mind maps:

  • Spider Diagrams
  • Pyramid Diagrams
  • Concept Maps
  • Fishbone Diagrams
  • Sunburst Charts

To be clear:

None Of These Techniques Count As Mind Maps!

Look, there’s nothing wrong with using such visualizations, but to call them Mind Maps can never mirror the human brain cell.

Think about it:

What does a spider have to do with mind mapping? With human thought? With human memory?

Spiders are fantastic, but if we know one thing about human memory and learning going back to Ad Herrenium, it’s that metaphors matter.

For that, I’m glad Tony Buzan wrote Mind Map Mastery to help correct the record.

He reminds us of the Laws of Mind Mapping. He refocuses our attention on why they mirror the neuron, the central location of thought.

The Natural Reason Why Mind Maps Must Have A Central Image

Like a brain cell, a Mind Map must have a center. Without a central image, your Mind Map has no focus.

Without color, the Mind Map lacks power. Imagine going on a walk through nature in black and white.

A Fishbone Diagram built from straight-lines has nothing to do with the curves of human thought.

Concept Maps are usually overloaded with words (I am often guilty of this). As a result, they quickly become unwieldy, awkward and collapse.

Without care for balance and distribution, a Pyramid Diagram places your focus on concentrated areas. These do not help your brain create new solutions or remember more.

Would You Like An Abundance Of Mind Mapping Examples?

Tony Buzan demonstrates the validity of his claims with nearly two dozen examples.

The images in Mind Map Mastery are just as they should be:

  • Clear
  • Balanced
  • Colorful
  • Keyword focused
  • Evocative
  • Understandable at a glance
  • Compelling
  • Easy to emulate as you create your own

How Mind Map Mastery Helped Me Improve My Practice

To be honest, I’m like a lot of learners.

I get a few tips and put them haphazardly into play.

This is NOT a problem.

If anything, it is a blessing.

But no serious, mature learner can stop there.

You’ve got to return to the well of knowledge and refine your practice.

Here’s a Mind Map example from 2015 shortly after I met Tony Buzan at a ThinkBuzan training.

Anthony Metivier Mind Map For A Book Without Tony Buzan Mind Map Mastery Tips

Then I recorded a chat with Phil Chambers about how to combine Mind Maps with Memory Palaces.

So, what’s the problem here?

After all, I used this Mind Map to:

* Write a book

* Turn the book into a video course

* Launch the course successfully with Jonathan Levi.

(This Mind Map is the first brainstorm of what became a course called Conquering Content that we placed in our online program, Branding You Academy.)

Yet, for all that success, there are quite a few problems with my mind map.

The Whole Mind Map Is Overloaded (For One Thing)

Yes, there are colors, but…

I had attended the ThinkBuzan training to learn about memory.

We did a bit of Mind Mapping, but I was so focused on the memory aspect (and not embarrassing myself) that not all the lessons got through.

And I’m just one of those learners who need to go back to the well and refine my practice through repeat exposure. For this reason, I still reread one book per month.

But… I had yet to go back to THE ultimate book on mind mapping I’d read as a kid. This lapse happened mainly because I was revisiting Buzan’s books on memory.

And I hadn’t quite learned enough Chinese to read him in Mandarin, even if he was suddenly following me everywhere!

Anthony Metivier with Tony Buzan Books on Mind Mapping In Beijing

My lack of attention to the Laws of Mind Mapping was tragic. It meant that I wasn’t getting nearly the results that I could have been.

So even though my mind mapping was successful, it was still dampened.

Then came the incredible announcement of Mind Map Mastery. I ordered it immediately.

The wait inspired me to revisit Mind Mapping in earnest.

Perhaps pretentiously, I released this video:

But what I’m talking about wasn’t advanced at all!

Though there is one virtue evident in every word I speak in the video.

Here’s why:

I was advancing my skills and practice by taking it one S.I.P. at a time (study, implement, practice).

Then, when Mind Map Mastery finally arrived, I started reading it.

I applied what it said, and before you know it, my Mind Maps improved!

Here’s a Mind Map example from one of the best YouTube Livestreams I’ve ever held:

Anthony Metivier with a Much Improved Tony Buzan Style Mind Map

(If you want to watch this replay and join future live streams, here’s the memory improvement books ultimate list hangout replay for you. Click subscribe and choose to be notified so you can join us next time we go live.)

What made this mind map better than any I’d created before?

The answer is simple. I just followed…

How to Mind Map Using The 10 Laws Of Mind Mapping

One: Blank paper in the landscape orientation.

Why is blank paper so important?

I believe it’s because the chemical makeup of the brain is more closely related to paper than, say, computer.

Also, the inner landscape of the mind is unlined. If you use lined paper, you are placing a barrier between your thoughts and the laws of mind mapping.

Landscape orientation is critical as well because we see the world horizontally more than vertically. Peripheral vision is freer left-right than it is up and down.

I also believe landscape orientation allows for greater mirroring of another essential structure:

The clock. It is the clock formation that lets us instantly turn any Mind Map into a Memory Palace at a glance.

Two: Draw a central image in the center.

World Mind Map Day Mind Map By Phil Chambers

Tony Buzan says that the central image should feature at least three colors.

It’s a subtle point and one that I’ve missed many times. I look forward to putting it into practice many times in the future and observing the improvements.

The image should express your core concern with the Mind Map.

Three: Different images should appear throughout the Mind Map.

You should also use dimensions, such as drawing some of your keywords in 3D.

Four: Keywords should be capitalized.

For some reason, this is one of the toughest laws for me to follow. Maybe I read too much e..e. cummings when I was in high school. 😉

I’m not sure why Buzan thinks this should be the case, but certainly capitalization communicates importance to the brain.

And of course, we have to consider that not all mind maps have words at all. For example, I mind mapped my business with Tony and there no words on it whatsoever, yet it’s been incredibly effective:

A mind map drawing of Anthony's. Mind mapping can help you in your quest to visualize clearly.

For that reason, I suggest you take this rule under consideration, but not necessarily to the point of following it blindly.

Five: Each Keyword should have its own “branch.”

This Law helped me squeeze far more from my Mind Maps.

It’s counterintuitive for a wordy sound-conceptual person like myself.

But the constraint works because it creates pressure on the keyword and your mind.

Think of it this way:

When you look at a clump of sentences and start reading, you’re assisting your memory in a way that turns it off.

Why should you remember what your Mind Map encoded when you can just read what you said?

But when you have a keyword, you give your brain a creative memory workout. This minimally assisted response to keywords is brain exercise par excellence.

Six: Your Branches Should Flow And Taper

If you look at an image of your brain’s neural networks, you’ll see precisely the tapering Buzan wants you to benefit from when creating your Mind Maps.

This law isn’t dogma. This correspondence to nature isn’t the totalitarianism of a control freak.

It’s the firm insistence that Mind Mapping mirrors your brain on the page. The closer you bring your mind and the Mind Map together in structure and flow, the more your creativity and memory perform.

Seven: Balance The Length Of Your Branches

The point about balance is another recommendation that needs more of my attention. But I think by following the other suggestions, adherence to this one happens naturally.

Eight: Use A Ton Of Colors

When I got back into Mind Mapping, I struggled with this as well.

After all, choosing colors can create a bit of decision anxiety. Questions like these might arise:

  • Which color should I use?
  • Is green really appropriate for this idea?
  • What if I make a mistake?

Sure, there’s a reason the brain pumps out these concerns. Barbara Oakley explains it well in Mindshift.

But if you dive in and start to practice the Mind Map technique, you’ll find you automatically make the right decisions.

Nine: Emphasize Points With Arrows And Lines

Connecting the different branches with arrows is one of my favorite parts.

For me, it’s like a “meta” Mind Map and corresponds with the Rhizomatic nature of the Magnetic Memory Method.

These measures, when combined, kick De Bono’s lateral thinking up a serious notch.

Ten: Maximize The Clarity Of Blank Space/White Space

Perhaps the most compelling Law involves the use of blank space for clarity.

In other words, you need to let your Mind Maps breathe. I never used to do this, which slowed me down.

Now, when mind mapping my YouTube videos and blog posts, like this one, you can see that I’ve made much more use of white space. It lead me to much better results thanks to doing so.mind map example for planning a youtube video

How To Continually Improve Your Mind Mapping Practice

To improve, I just started creating more Mind Maps.

As with the Magnetic Memory Palace Network, you benefit more (and faster) by working with multiples.

This approach gives Mind Maps and Memory Palaces more space for your brain to fill-in-the-gaps.

This pointer also circles back to Buzan’s point that the Mind Map should be useful at a glance. If there is no breathing room and no blank space, you stifle your success.

But when you leave enough space between your branches:

“Your brain negotiates these gaps to understand where you are and where you are going. “

How To Bring The Mind Map, Major System and Memory Palace Together

First of all, don’t even get started unless you are on the path with well-formed Mind Maps.

Yes, I have some discoveries to share. And yes, they will work without precision.

But if I could turn back the hands of time and start all over again, I would have my Mind Mapping strategy in order first. Especially in the context of these sensory memory exercises.

That cautionary note aside, here’s what you can do if you know the Major Method:

Major System on the Magnetic Memory Method

Once you have that committed to memory and are fluent in using the Major:

  • Imagine that your blank page is a clock. Limit yourself to twelve branches or less.
  • Create your central image and radiate your twelve branches from the center starting at 12 o’clock.
  • Since the Major System tells most of us that 1 is D or T and 2 is N, mentally impose or draw that symbol at the 12 o’clock. Do this after you’ve created the branch.

Not: Personally, I never draw my Tin Tin image. That’s where the Keyword goes.

  • After you complete the branch, think about how your Keyword can interact with your Major System image.

For example, if my keyword is “Ancient Greece” and my sub-branches involve Thales and Simonides, I will think of them all in a fistfight with Tin Tin.

But more than think of them, I will use all the Magnetic Modes to “Magnetize” them into my memory. To make the relationship between the Mind Map and the Memory Palace “Magnetic,”  I will touch upon the Magnetic Memory Method Principle of CAV KOG(S) and the Magnetic Modes:

  • Conceptual Magnetic Mode
  • Auditory Magnetic Mode
  • Visual Magnetic Mode
  • Kinesthetic Magnetic Mode
  • Olfactory Magnetic Mode
  • Gustatory Magnetic Mode
  • The Spatial Magnetic Mode, i.e. the Memory Palace, which in this case is the Mind Map itself!

As you can see, bringing the Mind Map together with the Major System and the Memory Palace helps learning.

Even better:

The Empowering Truth Of Mind Maps For Kids

This point about the use of Mind Maps for teaching is essential.

Many people email me with questions about how to teach techniques like these to kids.

My belief?

Learn them for yourself. Develop your own Mind Mapping and Mnemonic Style.

Demonstrate the skills you’d like young people to learn.

Involve them in the process.

Make Mind Mapping a family activity. Like I did, when I went to meet the man himself:

Tony Buzan with Anthony Metivier and Phil Chambers
Tony Buzan with Anthony Metivier and Phil Chambers

Sadly, Tony died in 2019. Here’s the tribute live stream we held in his honor:

Despite the sad passing of this hero of mental literacy, he lived a good life and demonstrated incredible brain health and mental literacy until the end. 

And no doubt. There’s good reason to believe that Mind Mapping can help stave off problems like dementia and Alzheimer’s after all.

And once you’ve read and started using the ideas in Mind Map Mastery, add more from the Tony Buzan library to your expertise. The knowledge he created is evergreen and will be useful to you forever.

Other Tony Buzan Books You’ll Find Useful

Here are some of the other books by Tony Buzan I highly recommend in addition to Mind Map Mastery:

To be clear:

The more you read on the topic of mind mapping, the better your mind maps will serve your memory, thinking, creative and professional goals.

Have I Made My Mind Maps Perfect Using Tony Buzan Mind Mapping?

No, of course not.

We are playing a game of progression, not perfection. As I mentioned above, that is something I learned by using Buzan’s tips to mind map my business.

And as Buzan points out many times, when you follow the Mind Mapping Laws, you’ll develop your own style.

This point is important because “style” is precisely the outcome of the application of rules.

Think about fashion. You only have a fashion style when you know the foundational techniques of combining color with texture.

Think about music. You only have a style of music when you pick the right mode and use the right scales.

Think about movies. Directors and actors only properly create a genre or style when they understand the underlying principles and structures of the Western, Science Fiction or Action movie.

Likewise with Mind Mapping. And the more I practice following the rules, the more my style emerges.

Even better:

The more you allow your style to emerge based on the laws, the more useful the Mind Maps you create will become.

Why The Ultimate Map Map Software Is Always At Your Fingertips

Mind Mapping works because it helps you mimic the creative brain on the page.

Sure you can waste your time searching for how to make a Mind Map in Word.

You can ponder until you’re blue in the voice whether or not Evernote can function as a Mind map.

But speculation and limited Mind Map “tools” that deviate from the Mind Mapping Laws will only get you measly results.

And as Buzan once said during dinner to me, “The Rules will set you free.”

Shakespeare knew this to be true when he submitted himself to iambic pentameter.

Painters follow the laws of color day in and day out.

Musicians cheerfully lock themselves inside of scales without complaint. All of them must have known these visualization exercises.

So why not let the Laws of Mind Mapping set your free?

Which Mind Map Software Is the Best?

You are!

Seriously. You are the best software on the planet for improving your creativity and memory skills.

After all, if we take the computer-brain metaphor to its extreme conclusion, both involve information chemically encoded in space.

In order for your computer to pump out a near-infinity of possible outcomes, it needs to follow rules.

And as I hope I’ve demonstrated today, the only Mind Map worth making is the one that follows the rules.

And Tony Buzan has accomplished the miraculous with his now deprecated iMind Map Software.

When you read the book, you’ll see just how authentically Buzan has made this work. And just how wonderfully he’s going to evolve it as information technology evolves.

Mind Mapping as a Form of Digital Fasting

But if you want my not-so-humble, but always Magnetic two-cents, I’m sticking with colored pens and paper.

I believe it is faster, more human and more likely to connect with the Memory Palace technique by doing so.

And to be fair, the Primacy Effect keeps me preferring the original Tony Buzan Mind Mapping principles that I keep coming back to so I can learn more and enjoy higher levels of person productivity.

Not only that, but I like taking long breaks from the computer.

How to Improve Focus And Concentration Anthony Metivier Walking While Reading

And I predict that Digital Fasting is going to continue being the ultimate cure for Digital Amnesia.

If you think about it, the Tony Buzan methods of the past never had to talk about taking breaks from computer screens. We didn’t have such problems back then.

But now we do and Mind Map Mastery gives you fantastic ways to develop cognitive organization and mental clarity while completing fun activities while offline.

So here’s what I recommend:

  1. Get a copy of Mind Map Mastery today.
  2. Put the Laws of Mind Mapping into practice immediately.
  3. Then come back to this post for more information on mind mapping techniques.
  4. Learn the Major System if you don’t already know it and try the “clock” technique I shared today and have illustrated in this video:

Then let me know in the comments below just how excited you are by the results.

Happy Mind Mapping, and if you’d like to learn more about how to use Memory Palaces, get my free course before you depart right here:

Free Memory Improvement Course

16 Responses

  1. Thanks slot for this article. My exams are approaching and I need to take tonnes of notes. This mind mapping techniques will surely help me make better ones and I hope I get good grades.

  2. One added thought with MP’ing: think in terms of Check Lists; that is, let your brain elaborate
    For example, do I need to go to Quick Care or to the ER?

    True Emergency:
    1. No breathing
    2. Spewing blood
    3. Chest pain/radiating chest pain

    Note, pain per se is not a true need for an ER visit; i.e., Quick Care could handle, and probably faster than waiting in ER

    Now, with a MP, elaborate on each of the Check Points

    For example, you come upon a 2-car head-on, what can you do till the emergency vehicle
    arrives? I would focus on those not screaming, because screaming indicates life

    A fighter pilot Idiot Proofs this way:

    1. Fuel
    2. Height
    3. Speed

    Obviously, with a MP, s/he could elaborate and/or adjust, particularly to the aircraft and/or mission, e.g., private pilot vs. fighter pilot vs. airline pilot, etc.

    Checklist narrow things down to an “instantality”

    For more on Checklists to fit your area, check out Atul Gawande

    1. Nice one, Miles. For people who need to remember this kind of info, I certainly hope they will use the best possible techniques to boost their professionalism.

      We need the best in the field!

  3. Hi Anthony Metivier! I read all this information, except the links because i can not finish in a day, later on as time permit.

    I have questions:

    What you mean when wrote “I never draw my Tin Tin image” “That’s where the Keyword goes”.

    I am doing the Memory Palace but I just starting with the Major system, It can be confusing adding the Mind map also or helpful?

    What do you recommend?

    Do the Mind Map and later the Major system? Yes or not?


    When I practice the first time the Mind Mapping I will repost again.


    1. Thanks for these questions, Maricela.

      Tintin is my symbol for 12 in the Major and so there’s no need to draw him. So long as the keyword and/or image is in the 12 o’clock position on the Mind Map, I can imagine Tintin being part of it in my mind.

      With respect to timing, it really depends. I would design the Mind Map with the clock in mind, but not necessarily encode while going along. I might not need to memorize the Mind Map, after all.

      The other benefit for me with the clock method is that it helps prevent me from overfilling the Memory Palaces, which is a bad habit I had before.

      I recommend that you stick with one skill and work with it until you’re confident. Then add a second.

      So if you’re still working on using Memory Palaces, get strong with that technique before you learn the Major. You can use it help you remember the Major and a P.O.A., so it makes sense to work in that order.

      Look forward to your update on your journey with all the memory techniques and Mind Mapping! 🙂

  4. Hi Anthony, long time no see 🙂 I was just watching a video on YouTube, titled “My new favorite way to read”, and I’ve found your excellent article following a commenter’s recommendation. I just copied part of her comment, “Draw mindmaps of each chapter, as recommended by Tony Buzan…”, and pasted it into Google. Yours was the 4th result on the first page. I thought you might be pleased to hear that your work is paying off 🙂 Anyways, I’ve already found a copy of his book “The ultimate book of mind maps”, which I’ve put on my reading bucket list.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Great to hear from you again, Attila, and thanks for letting me know about this ranking. I’m glad to learn about that and hope it brings durability to this page and more exposure to Tony’s work.

      If there’s anything I can say that will accelerate that placement of the book from your bucket list to current reading list, let me know. This knowledge is definitely not “data for later.” The sooner it is put into action, the sooner the results improve you and everyone in your sphere or influence.

      Thanks again for the post and look forward to your next one!

  5. Hi Anthony,

    Thanks for this post. I was an engineering student, and used mind mapping extensively during my college years for both my Undergrad and Master’s degrees. I continue to use mapping on paper as part of my job as an engineer. I am always looking to improve my mapping techniques, so I have a couple questions:
    – Regarding your first suggestion, mapping on blank paper, I agree that the maps look better and are easier to follow this way. However, I find it very difficult to find notebooks with blank paper that I can use for course notes that are a decent price. The only ones I seem to find are artist’s sketchbooks, which are around $10+/book. Do you have any recommendations regarding notebooks or notepads that are well-suited for mind mapping and are more reasonably priced?
    – As to your point about using many colors, what is the minimum number of colors that you would recommend? I like to map on the go, so I can’t carry too many different markers/colored pencils with me. In addition, are there any markers/colored pencils that you would recommend as being good for mind mapping?
    – Also, do you have any suggestions regarding mind maps for technical notes, for instance involving equations and technical drawings/diagrams?

    Thanks for your help.

    1. Thanks for these questions, Hari.

      I’m not sure which country you are in to make the purchase, but where I live, $10 for an artist’s sketchbook is a steal. I would ask if you can get a discount for buying them in bulk if they’re going to be that cheap.

      Tony Buzan recommends at least three colors. I tend to stick with that suggestion.

      For anything involving equations, I would consider learning and using the Major System as discussed on this page.

      I’m not sure what kinds of technical drawings or diagrams you have in mind, but can they be simplified down to keywords or icons? If so, you might give that a go. Please let me know more about kinds of diagrams you are thinking of specifically and the outcomes you want mind mapping to bring.

  6. Hi

    Thank you for the blog. It really is a great help to people who want to learn.

    I read your article and wanted to draw a mind map using the methods recommended by Tony Buzan but i was unable to find any software or app online that follows the principle by him.

    Can you please help me by pointing towards which software should i be using as i am travelling a lot for work and don’t have the option to draw on a paper.

    It would really mean a lot to me if you could help me in this.

    Also, do you have any place where i can download a lot of mind maps of the best sellers on Amazon.


    1. Thanks for your questions, Manish.

      Not all authors mind map, so if such a resource is available, I would not know where.

      After Tony Buzan’s demise, I believe his software was purchased by a different company. I have no knowledge of it and never used iMindMaps.

      I do not advocate software of any kind, though some people do find it useful.

      Personally, I’ve traveled all over the world and mind mapping on paper was never a problem. If I ever couldn’t take something with me, I photographed it and left it behind – but that never happened with any of my memory journals of mind maps.

  7. Hi Anthony,

    Thank you for the interesting article! I am looking to make more use of Mind Maps and improve my skills and would like to know what other reading material you would recommend, please? There seem to be many different titles by Buzan over the years – How to Mind Map, The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps, The Mind Map Book, Mind Mapping and of course Mind Map Mastery!

    Also, I am interested to know which book you are referring to when you say, ‘I had yet to go back to THE ultimate book on mind mapping I’d read as a kid.’, if I may?!

    Best wishes,


    1. Thanks for this, Mark.

      Use Your Head is the first book I can recall learning about mind mapping from Tony Buzan. It is indeed worth going back to if you haven’t read it.

      There are indeed multiple titles and some have been repurposed. Speed Memory from 1971 is another classic worth revisiting, even if it appears that much has been reused in different ways over the years. I always recommend that serious learners practice “completionism” wherever possible.

      As strange as it sounds, sometimes embracing repetition at the level of studying the techniques is the best way to reduce repetition when it comes to learning faster and remembering more in practice.

  8. Hi. I have a question. What happens if you can’t pinpoint exactly the center of the image? Tony Buzan writes that the mental map should have a central image in the center of the page.

    1. I don’t always use a central image and never force my mind maps to follow each and every rule. I do like to follow them where I can, but it’s more important to take action and let getting into flow help the mind map emerge.

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Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

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